segunda-feira, 5 de julho de 2010

Meu querido Amigo Pe. L...

... desejo-lhe um dia muito feliz. Que comemore o seu aniversário Natalício junto dos que ama e em grande alegria.

Que o Deus em que acredita lhe encha de bênçãos e graças e faça prosperar os seus projectos e intenções.

Mil Parabéns meu Amigo!

Muito mais havia a dizer mas infelizmente... não há meio de pegar na PORRA do telemóvel e atender o RAIO da chamada. Prepare-se! Porque logo vai levar tantas que nem imagina. :-D

Leva com o espectacular Patrick Watson a cantarolar Man Like Me no chuveiro (ou algo semelhante) e vai com sorte.

Patrick Watson - "Man Like Me"

Patrick Watson - Man Like Me

I knew a boy that was swallowed by the sky
By the flashing lights
I knew a man that got lost in the big dull blue
And came out alive

I knew a boy, I knew a man
Who looked a lot like you

I knew a time you could still stand and sigh
But the rushing by
I knew a place you can go where your head could explode
Into peace of mind

I knew a time, I knew a place
That felt a lot like you
I knew a boy, I knew a man
Who looked a lot like you

Just like you

I knew a friend that would hold on to the flames
Keep them from burning you
I knew a smile
I could see through all of the stars
That the world had thrown

I knew a smile, I knew a friend
That looked a lot like you
I knew a boy, I knew a man
Who looked a lot like you



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